“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” ~ Sun Tzu
By Catherine Austin Fitts
This coming week, we begin the publication of our 2021 Annual Wrap Up with Part I of News Trends & Stories.
We are at war, a war over our freedom that is being fought on multiple “fronts.” It is critical that we use our time effectively over the next year—each one of us taking the actions we can take and using the tactics that are right for us.
To support your efforts, we are converting the format of News, Trends & Stories for this Wrap Up. Instead of reviewing the top 20 stories, we will review the top 20 “war fronts” and the actions you can take to resist central control and increase your chances of being healthy and free and living in a free society.
Dr. Joseph P. Farrell will join me this week to review the first ten “fronts.”
Tyranny vs. Liberty: Ten Fronts
Front #1: Spiritual—The War on God
Front #2: Culture & Education
Front #3: Governance/Government
Front #4: Military/Defense
Front #5: Judicial/Legal/Enforcement
Front #6: Health/Environment & the Great Poisoning
Front #7: Economy & Labor
Front #8: Water, Land, and Real Estate
Front #9: Food & Agriculture
Front #10: Digital Concentration Camps: CBDC/Currency/Crypto/Vaccine Passports
For each “front” identified, we provide headlines that demonstrate the battle lines. We then offer a list of actions that we can take, depending on each person’s unique circumstances. Finally, we share our list of unanswered questions—questions we still have about what is happening that can help us gather and build our intelligence. And, we underscore that the most important thing we must do this year is to put a stop to the “vaccine passports.” Think of the passports as “Meta Mandates” that permit the imposition of an unending tsunami of health, social, and financial controls.
As you listen, check out the News Trends & Stories section of the 2021 Annual Wrap Up web presentation, where you can find our complete trends list, our selection of headlines for each front, including actions to take and Unanswered Questions, as well as our top news videos for the year. The link will be in your subscriber links when Part I publishes on Thursday.
The following week, in News Trends & Stories, Part II, Dr. Farrell and I will cover the next 10 fronts.
In the third week of January, we will publish the 2021 Annual Wrap Up Equity Overview & Rambus Chartology.
Finally, in the fourth week of January, John Titus and I will address our 2021 Annual Wrap Up theme: Sovereignty.
On the cover of our 2021 Annual Wrap Up, you will recognize a familiar face, that of our Hero of the Year 2021, Wim Hof—the epitome of sovereignty. Every day through his work and life, Wim Hof demonstrates what it means to be sovereign, starting with his own body. This is a set of skills many of us can use to our advantage in 2022.
In Let’s Go to the Movies, I will review the winner of the Solari Report Movie of the Year for 2021—The Resistance Banker—a 2018 award-winning Dutch movie, set in the Netherlands during World War II and now available with English subtitles. It is an inspiring example of the fact that if we want to change the world, it’s not enough to organize; we need to finance change, too!
In Money & Markets this week, John Titus and I will cover the latest events and continue to discuss the financial and geopolitical trends we are tracking in 2022. E-mail your questions for Ask Catherine or post at the Money & Markets commentary here.
Please join me this Thursday, January 6th for the 2021 Annual Wrap Up: News Trends & Stories, Part I.
Talk to you Thursday!
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views: 7