Hero of the Week: March 27, 2023: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis

“Are you interested in giving these economic central planners more power over our economy?”

~ Gov. Ron DeSantis

Our Hero of the Week clearly is Governor Ron DeSantis for his announcement of proposed legislation that would expressly forbid any central bank digital currency (CBDC) as money within Florida’s trade laws.

Acting in the wake of the newly erupted banking crisis, the bill introduced would also prohibit “any CBDC by a foreign reserve” and calls on other states to join the pushback.

A federally controlled CBDC would allow the government to see all purchasing and consumer activities, and to limit or fully shut down individual access to goods and services.

The governor’s move and announcement will allow a lot of people to connect the dots between healthy local and community banks and the risks posed by a centralized digital currency.

It would appear that Governor DeSantis has understood everything the Solari Report has written and said about CBDCs and is acting accordingly.

We thank the governor for being a Solari Hero and will be sending him a cap featuring the logo “Make Cash Great Again.”


View video of press conference: Ron DeSantis holds a press conference on “Big Brother’s Digital Dollar” – Proposes Bill to Ban CBDCs

Governor Ron DeSantis Announces Legislation to Protect Floridians from a Federally Controlled Central Bank Digital Currency and Surveillance State

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