By Catherine Austin Fitts
I received the following question from a reader:
QUESTION: Thank you for addressing so many truly important issues. As to the issue of Confederate monuments, since neither you nor I live in African-American skin with all the pain and prejudice to which people of color are subjected, it seems to me we ought to try and see the Confederate monuments as the intimidating symbols established by white supremacists in the early 1900s as people of color see them. Unless we do, we fail to see these monuments clearly. I hope you will consider that.
Here’s my answer:
ANSWER: I grew up in a mixed neighborhood in Philadelphia. I was raised, in part, by an African-American woman and have lived off and on in African-American neighborhoods. I have both belonged to and attended African-American churches. I partnered with a team of African-American entrepreneurs in the 1990’s to prototype venture equity funds for small business and communities. As Federal Housing Commissioner I ran an operation that was a primary source of mortgage credit to African-American communities. Later, my company served as financial advisor to the same institution. In litigation with the federal government I experienced many of the tactics used to target African-Americans and their communities.
I do not pretend to understand what it is like to walk around in African-American skin. However, I have spent a great deal of my life in the company of a wide variety of accomplished and intelligent people who do.
During this experience of over six decades, I have heard friends and colleagues who are African-American repeatedly express many life and death concerns:
- Targeting of their children and neighborhoods with narcotics trafficking
- Targeting of themselves, their families and neighborhoods with aggressive or illegal enforcement
- Systematic degradation and absence of resources of their public schools
- High crime rates in their neighborhoods
- Targeting by predatory lending practices and mortgage fraud
- Use of tax dollars to fund illegal or corrupt activities
- Use of federal programs designed to help their communities used instead for political pork
- Federal, state and local corruption that lowers their life expectancy and reduces their opportunities
- Vaccine injury as a result of serious ethical violations of the FDA-related suppression of data related to African-American children
- False imprisonment and malicious prosecution
Actually, the list of legitimate complaints for the African-American community is much longer, as well as all for other low-income communities in America.
In all sixty years, I have never once heard a complaint – even a thought – about statues or monuments.
Indeed the only time I have ever seen anyone complain about statues or monuments were people likely being financed by the people who richly profit from #1-10 above or who have digested enormous amounts of entrainment and subliminal programming – I suspect both.
Our society is increasingly experiencing not just people staring at their smart phones who are walking into the middle of street traffic or walking off cliffs, we are also experiencing the political equivalent.
Undocumentable adjustments in US government accounts are now over $18 trillion. That is an average of $220,000 per family of 4 – that’s all families, African-American, Latino, Caucasian, old, young, North, South, East and West.
Which do you think African-American families would prefer? That $220,000 in their pocket or a major time-consuming divide and conquer conversation about reducing Confederate statues? I dare say the people who intend to keep the $18 trillion would far prefer the rest of us are off tearing down statues.
One of the reasons that I have always enjoyed worshiping at African-American churches is because I find myself among people who have dealt with real trouble, including serious spiritual warfare. They have lived through and overcome a series of progressive “beat downs” and cointelpro psyops that would destroy most Americans.
If you believe that tearing down monuments is an important issue, I would recommend you spend more time in the African-American community. There is enormous wealth and actionable intel there for you.
I would also recommend my on line book:
Dillon Read & the Aristocracy of Stock Profits
and comments on Charlottesville:
I hope these resources help and inform.