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Read the transcript of Rudolf Steiner on What We Do Now With Thomas H. Meyer here (PDF)
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“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
By Catherine Austin Fitts
Last Monday I left Lake Constance and took the train to Basel to spend the day with the ever fascinating, ever inspiring Thomas H. Meyer, founder of Perseus Publishing and publisher of The Present Age. I am a faithful subscriber.
Thomas and I sat in his sun filled office surrounded by books and art and discussed Rudolf Steiner’s advice for our present age. Steiner says that now is the time when we must understand and confront evil. But how? What can one person do? These are some of the most important questions that you and I are grappling with today as violence and hubris grow.
Special thanks to Thomas for a day of such rich insight: over lunch, in his office, overlooking Basel from the terrace of his beautiful home and then as he escorted me to the train station where I made a new discovery about Basel, BIS & Bitcoin.
In Let’s Go to the Movies I recommend Ric Burn’s The Pilgrims. This will be background for my discussion the following week about the Civil War. The push to tear up statues in America is a prelude to tearing up the reputation of the signers of the Constitution as a prelude to tearing up the Constitution. In the words of Irene Dune on America’s Town Meeting of the Air, “If we don’t stand for something, we will fall for anything.” I prefer to retain individual liberties and property rights. How about you? Are you ready to stop evil from destroying the covenant of humanity and freedom that binds us? Time to send our presentation on enforcing the Constitution to your State legislators and Congressional representatives.
No Money & Markets this week. Post your questions for Ask Catherine and I will address in September.
Talk to you Thursday!
Related Solari Report
Introduction to Rudolf Steiner with T.H.Meyer
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