57 Catherine Austin Fitts: Ladies and Gen- tlemen, welcome to Part II of News Trends & Stories for our 3rd Quarter Wrap Up with Dr. Joseph Farrell. We had a great conversation last week about the Economy and Financial Markets as well as Geopol- itics. This week we are going to dive into Culture, Science & Technology, The Un- answered Questions, Go Local, and Where We Get our Inspiration. Dr. Joseph Farrell, always a pleasure to be with you. I’m here at the table where we invented ‘Global 2.0 to 3.0’ and we’re back for more rich discussion. Before we start with Culture, I want you to mention quickly your new book, which is outstanding. JosephFarrell: Thanks for having me back.The new book came out about three weeks ago. It’s called Hess and the Pen- guins: The Holocaust, Antarctica and the Strange Case of Rudolf Hess. Fitts: I love the title: Hess and the Pen- guins. Farrell: It came to me in a flash, and I thought, “Oh, that’s so good! I have to use it.” Fitts: I also wanted to mention – and we’ll talk about it more under ‘Inspiration’ – something, which has been a great inspi- ration for me and that is your digital pipe organ. It’s on order, and we’re hoping it will be here by Thanksgiving. Farrell: I hope so. It’s been a fun project. Fitts: We have certainly learned much and I’ve learned a great deal about organ music. Let’s start with ‘Culture’ or I should really say ‘Culture Wars’ because we are right in the thick of it. If you look at all the legal and financial games and changes that they want to make, it starts with culture wars. Farrell: It always has to. If you look at all of the things happening in the news in this country and Europe and so on, what we’re really seeing is the logical denoue- ment of the entire progressive era, the whole progressive movement. It’s now degenerated into out-and-out Gramscian cultural Marxism. What they’re doing, it appears to me, is waging war on anything now that carries any element of traditional Western culture – be it the church, be it the Constitution, be it the family, be it typical sexual roles or mores. We’ve watched the transition of the change from talking about sex (male or female) to talking about gender, which is a linguistic property. So there is a cultural war on language and this is at the center of it all. They are literally trying to redefine the terms of words. This is a very, very old tactic of revolutionaries back to the 2nd century Gnostics. I know there are a lot of people out there who think that this is not the case; I can assure them that they are wrong. This is a standard tactic that has been in use for hundreds of years. If you want to bring about a revolutionary change in society, the first thing that you do is attack the standard, traditional, colloquial meanings of words. You create a condition where certain people are using a word, and it will have a special meaning to that group of people as opposed to the com- mon meaning in the broader culture. In Part I, we were talking about the ulti- mate objective of these social justice war- riors, which is to create a condition where they are going to demand changes to the Constitution. “It’s no longer reflective of our contemporary values,” and so on. Fitts: “It’s old, it’s passé and it’s not updated.” Farrell: Right, it’s not up to date. “Those are 18th century tobacco farmers and New York bankers, and we’re sophisticated 21st century internet users.” They came out of the culture that had three roots. This is what I think we are watching in this culture war. I’ve said many times that there are three essential roots to Western culture: First, there is the Judaic root or the Old Testament root, which is about covenant and contract. In other words, it is the rule of law and keeping your word and living up to your promises and so on. That is the entire theme of the Old Testament when you get down to it. Secondly, there is the Christian com- ponent, which is the idea of incarnate logos – the supreme reason of the universe actually entering personally into human history, human emotion, human creativ- ity, and lifting it up to Godhood. That is a key component of our culture. In my opinion, you cannot have science or any of the things that we take for granted without the idea that logos – there is one superintending reason over human affairs and life on this earth, and the same law or rationality in the universe at large. Fitts: It’s a very powerful idea that each one of us is capable of intimate connec- tion with it, and from that we draw our authority and our power. In fact, not only can we have that direct intimate connec- tion, but when two or more are gathered in their name, they can invite in the divine 3rd Quarter Wrap Up Part II: News Trends & Stories with Joseph Farrell October 19, 2017