71 have the consequences of usage that nucle- ar weapons do. The unfortunate bottom line here is that makes wars fightable and winnable again. Fitts: Right, as does weather warfare. Farrell: Exactly. Frankly I don’t get upset if Iran wants to have a nuclear weapon. Big deal, because that weapon could be taken out by a kinetic weapon in a heart- beat. Fitts: Nevertheless, I think every nuclear weapon may have a mishap at any time. I’m as worried about accidents as I am about war. Farrell: Oh, I am, too because nuclear is bad. Fitts: So now that you’ve written the book about Hess, do you have any new observa- tions on Antarctica? Farrell: I’ll put it this way: Clearly some- thing strange is happening down there, and we are not being told. The strange- ness insofar as Hess is concerned – and you have to read the book to see how the argument fits together, because if I were to drop this one piece of information out without the context that it occurs in with all of the details surrounding it, it won’t make much sense – is, I think, that what Hess was up to with all of this modern interest in Antarctica really started with Hermann Goering, who is a very strange person. As I said last week, this is not a person interested in sponsoring a science fair. This ‘ain’t’ him! He’s an all nuts and bolts military guy. I’ve long suspected that the Nazi inter- est in Antarctica was not just simply for the resources, which is a rather obvious thing, but because they had such a weird, strange, occult mix thrown into their ideology – Atlantis and such. Fitts: They really were looking for the Arc of the Covenant. Farrell: In terms of their ideology, Hess was a member of the Thule-Gesellschaft – that interwar occult secret society. It was part of their doctrine and their belief system that the Aryan race, essen- tially the white race, came to Earth from off-planet and landed at the poles. I’ve long suspected that the Nazi interest was because they may have suspected that Antarctica was the most likely place on the planet to be Atlantis because it’s literally a continent underwater – it’s under ice. I think that, in a certain sense, they were looking for some sort of ancient civiliza- tion with ancient technology. I do think that may have been one of the things they were looking for, but when Hess went to Great Britain to seal a peace deal – and please note my words – with certain ele- ments in Great Britain that wanted an end to the war, but not with Hitler, Hess took a comprehensive peace plan, and I believe that Antarctica was part of the discussion. I think that it was part of their mutually agreed upon, “We are going to control this area,” talk. The reason I think that is because there was a British emissary who was sent by Churchill himself to Hess when he was captured in Britain. He makes the state- ment, “Well what about Norway?” I think that is a telltale clue that what they are really talking about is code for Antarctica because the Germans had laid claim to an area of Antarctica during that expedition before the war. Part of the area that they were claiming was an area also claimed by Norway. So the Norwegian government sent a diplomatic note to the German Foreign Ministry saying, “No, you don’t have claim to it; we do,” and the German Foreign Minister replied, “No, you don’t. We’ve explored beyond the area that you explored, and we’ve mapped it and so on and the claim is ours.” So that claim went unresolved until the time of the German invasion. When Churchill sent his minister asking about Norway, I think that was code for, “What about that down there?” Fitts: It’s very interesting because when you and I talked, we did a Solari Report on the Fourth Reich. We talked about the fact that the Nazi party had never surren- dered. The Germans surrendered, but the Nazi party did not. I mentioned to you that Dr. Peter Beter, strange as he was, had given a long, de- tailed explanation about how the Falkland War was really a war between Britain and the Nazis in Antarctica. Farrell: There was something strange about the Falkland War. General Galtieri was the Argentinian leader. Fitts: Remember that if the treaty had been between the Brits and the Nazi party, and if there were a violation of the treaty, then it would be the British job to enforce, not the Americans. Farrell: There is something about the Falkland War that never settled well with me. There is too much weirdness there. That occurred right after the P2 Lodge incident in Italy, and Lucio Gelli and his fascist connections. There is something clearly happening down there. I don’t know what it is, but I do find it very pe- culiar that after World War II, all of those national claims were set aside and the entire continent became a national what- ever-it-is that nobody has a claim to it. Fitts: Because somebody has a claim to it, and we’re not seeing it. Farrell: That is very disturbing. Who is it then that has the claim? We don’t know and they’re not telling. Fitts: I would say that this continues to be an important Unanswered Question. Farrell: An entire continent of vast, un- tapped resources. Fitts: Right, and if you look at the size of this continent, it’s enormous. It’s bigger than North America. Get a globe that doesn’t have a stand, and start turning it and looking at its size. Farrell: The other problem, as we dis- cussed last week, is just look at the strange characters associated with Antarctica in modern times: Hermann Goering, Rich- ard Byrd, Fleet Admiral Nimitz, Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal, and Prince Harry. Fitts: And assassinated Secretary of De- fense James Forrestal. Farrell: Everybody thinks that he was assassinated because he was on the UFO